Sunday, June 26, 2011

How to Read Well (Part 1)

In this 3 part series, we explore the three phases to reading well.

The first phase is called the BEFORE YOU READ PHASE.

1) Preview.

This means surveying the entire material to be read first to get an idea of what is it about. This allows you to activate prior knowledge on the topic and prepares you to make connections when you read closely. Things to explore during this stage are the summaries and the chapter headings and subheadings in the book.

2) Outline.

In this step, you want to structure the material you will read. If the material provides chapter outlines already, then use it by reading it well first so that you have an idea how the text is structured. If there are no chapter outlines, then you can create one by using the headings in the text as guidelines.

3) Question

In this step, you determine the reason why you are reading the text. You might have questions you want answered after reading the text. Write it down.


What are your before reading habits? Do you do any of these activities? Share your experiences in the comments below!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Top 5 Characteristics of Master Students

Master Students have common characteristics.

To become like Master Students, you have to develop certain characteristics.

Here are 5 of them.

1. Curious/Inquisitive

Master students are curious about the world they live in. They question. They think. They are not zombies who just follow blindly.

2. Energetic

With energy and enthusiasm, master students can learn well and they can connect better what they are studying to their real life. Energy also allows them to persevere when tough learning challenges come their way.

3. Focus

Master Students can focus. With a laser sharp focus, master students can concentrate on their tasks and use their brain energy to solve problems. Master Students get in the zone or in the flow when they focus.

4. Balanced 

Master Students know that health is important in learning. That's why they maintain good health and they keep fit by exercising regularly. They eat healthy food and drink lots of water to replenish their system.

5. Open Minded

Master Students are open minded. They know that they don't know everything. Uncertainty does not scare them. They know that change is the only constant in the universe. As such, master students are open to new learnings and experiences. This flexibility allows them to become Master Students.

How many of these characteristics are in you? Are you willing to develop these characteristics to become a master student?

Share your thoughts below :)

Welcome Students!

This blog is to help students become Master Students.

Master Students know themselves well and they know learning techniques that maximizes their learning.

They also have a positive mindset towards schoolwork.

In this blog, I will teach you how to become a master student.